Friday, March 25, 2011


The article Study Links Pupils' Stress to School Environments "Classroom learning environments and the Mental Health of 1st Grade Children," , refers to the stresses brought upon first grade students as well as teachers in the classroom setting. It's a vicious cycle. These stresses begin at home for example, in lower income households. These children go to school with the stresses that they face at home and are expected to perform at high levels. Also, given the circumstances in each district, teachers face the burden of struggling to provide supplies for different activities because of the lack of funds. This is a bit of a crutch for any teacher, not allowing them to perform at their highest potential. That stress is reflected onto the students by the teacher's frustrations. The child's behavior is affected and the teacher is put in the position to have to discipline. It is ongoing; what affects the students, affects the teacher, and in turn affects the students again. Something must be done to alleviate these problems. First grade is a very critical year for them and these stresses are showing major effects on their learning as well as social behavioral problems. No matter the race of the child, educators need to be informed of the setting they are providing for the children they are teaching.

Friday, March 11, 2011


The article Fifth Graders Soar in the Blogosphere )  gave me great interest in the idea of blogging being brought into the classroom. A teacher integrated blogging into her lessons and with that provided a greater motivation for the students to write. They took more pride and put more effort into their work because the teacher was no longer the sole audience, now their work could be seen by their peers. This article  caught my attention because of the fact that I am doing my field experience with a fifth grade class. I can see how it would broaden their learning spectrum from wanting to learn more, to improving their writing skills. Blogging gives them the opportunity to express their thoughts and ideas, like a free write. It also leaves room for suggestion for the teacher to learn what their students believe to be great ways of learning. This interaction has many benefits and provides them with an better understanding of the world today. Blogging is used everywhere including college courses like this one. Exposing them to blogging opens doors to motivational learning and discussion. This is something I could see myself trying if placed in an upper grade one day.

Friday, March 4, 2011


In reading the article A Scary Reality , the subject of internet safety is the main issue at hand. How can we make the internet a safer place for our children to utilize this most powerful tool for knowledge? Parental involvement is lacking and not enough information is provided to the children with what to do if approached by a potential predator. We should educate our students as well as their parents on what the harsh reality of dangers that can be found online. That being the means of protecting them yet not limiting them from using this tool in a way that is most beneficial for them. Most people put filters to protect the students from inappropriate material that can be found on the web, but I am a witness of what boundaries that creates. It has been in my experience to have seen coloring pages that are blocked by the filter. What I would like to know is if there are ideas of how to effectively reach the parents of our children to enable them to continue the education on internet awareness in the home setting. Just as children are taught to never speak to strangers as they are growing up, I believe the same tactic can be used to instill in them the need for safety online.